Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts, Ph.D.

Position Title
Founder, Yoga and Literature Camp

  • Spelman College Museum of Fine Art

Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts is the Founder of Yoga and Literature Camp and a graduate of Spelman College, in Atlanta. She also received her PhD from the Division of Educational Studies at Emory University in 2014. Relying on ethnography and narrative inquiry as her primary research methods, she explores the lived experiences of individuals across multiple communities. Her most recent research utilizes the lived experiences of Black teen yoga practitioners who use yoga and storytelling as mediums for critical literacy development. Working primarily within marginalized communities, Dr. Jackson Roberts seeks to understand the ways in which power and privilege impact lives at the intersection of race, class and gender. In 2012, at a training on Restorative Justice facilitated by sujatha baliga, Dr. Jackson Roberts began making connections between the value of storytelling, critical literacy development and yoga.