Dr. Erica R. Meiners, Ph.D.

Position Title
Professor of Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies

  • College of Education, Northeastern Illinois University

Dr. Erica Meiners is a Professor of Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies at Northeastern Illinois University. She teaches, writes and organizes in Chicago. She has written about her ongoing labor and learning in anti-militarization campaigns, educational justice struggles, prison abolition and reform movements, and queer and immigrant rights organizing in the books “Flaunt It! Queers Organizing for Public Education and Justice” (2009), “Right to be Hostile: Schools, Prisons, and the Making of Public Enemies” (2007) and with articles in Radical Teacher, Meridians, AREA Chicago and Social Justice. Her work in the areas of prison/school nexus; gender, access and technology; community-based research methodologies; and urban education, has been supported by the U.S. Department of Education, the Illinois Humanities Council and the Princeton Woodrow Wilson Public Scholarship Foundation, among others. Her methodologies include participatory action research, community-based organizing and research, qualitative research and feminist research.